Pretorian APPlicator

Sale price$333.69


Giving comprehensive switch access to iOS Switch Control, Switch Adapted Apps, Music and Camera on any iPad/iPhone® or other Bluetooth connected tablet or computer, APPlicator is by far the most flexible Bluetooth switch access device on the market. Now includes mouse clicks too, giving access to iOS via Assistive Touch to work alongside eye-gaze devices.

It can be used with switch adapted apps, iOS Switch Control/Android® Switch Access or simply to play music/video or take photos. The Pretorian APPlicator has been the Bluetooth switch access device of choice for teachers, OTs and health professionals alike since iPad was first adopted for AT use.

  • Scanning Switch Access
  • Four 3.5mm sockets for wired switches.
  • Now supports mouse functions- left click, right click and double click.
  • 24 functions which can be configured in any order to give maximum flexibility.
  • Quick Media mode for rapid access to media without reconfiguring switches.
  • Now with keypad lock to prevent inadvertent changes to settings
  • Now includes programmable ‘single-shot’ mode for users who find removing their hand from the switch difficult.
  • Also now includes manual power-off feature for use when the unit is being transported.
  • Rechargeable lithium-ion battery via supplied USB lead.
  • Pairs directly with iPad® through Bluetooth 2.1 without PIN number entry.
  • Works with iPad®, iPad® mini, iPad Pro® and iPhone® and with any other Bluetooth enabled tablet device or computer such as Android® and Surface Pro®.
  • 20 metres (64 feet) operating range.
  • Integral button allows on-screen keyboard to be deployed or hidden at any time.

Did you know?

You can use any switch set to Volume Up to take photos or shoot video in the camera app. Why is it Volume Up? Because this button is in a similar place on an iPhone to the shutter on a conventional camera.

Now with added features, you really can improve on a winner!

If you would prefer your Bluetooth access device built into a switch, please consider iSwitch, which is very similar to APPlicator but built into a switch!

Accessing switch adapted apps could not be easier

  • Pair APPlicator with your iPad® by selecting it in the Bluetooth menu (no PIN entry required)
  • Connect any wired switches to one or more of the four, programmable, switch inputs.
  • Using the built-in display, select the function of each switch from the choice of 24 keyboard/media commands. Any combination of switch functions is possible.

Taking pictures is a breeze

  • Simply set a switch to ‘Volume Up’ and you’re all set to take pictures or video in the Camera app.

Accessing Music Playlist is a fun way to teach cause and effect

  • Press the Quick Media button for preconfigured access to play/pause, skip forward, skip back and Timed Play (10 seconds)
  • For more audio functions, use the built-in display to select from play/pause, skip forward, skip back, volume adjustment, timed play and mute.
  • Play music in timed-play mode to add interest and inspiration, or as a ‘reward’ for successfully carrying out a task.

For higher functioning users- consider iOS Switch Control

  • Set one or more switches to standard keyboard functions such as space and enter.
  • Program these in the Switch Control menu to be functions such as ‘Move to Next Item’ and ‘Select Item’.
  • Choose between automatic or manual scanning and then turn on Switch Control.
  • The world is now your oyster- every aspect and facility of iPad can be accessed with either one or two switches. Please click on the ‘videos’ tab below for more details.

Working with Eye-Gaze devices

iPadOS15 (and later) include support for eye-gaze devices via Assistive Touch. However, because Switch Control and Assistive Touch can’t be on at the same time, eye-gaze devices can’t be used alongside switches configured in Switch Control, yet for many this would be the ideal configuration since it avoids the delays caused by dwelling. To address this issue Pretorian has now included mouse clicks in APPlicator. These new functions are immediately recognised by the iPad whenever Assistive Touch is turned on. Both Left Click and Right Click have been added but, because APPlicator may also be used on Windows based tablets and AAC devices, Double Click has also been included.

Used For

  • Tablet Access - iDevices

APPlicator or iSwitch?

These products are very nearly the same in functionality. If you can use one, you can use either since they are programmed in exactly the same way. The choice between the two is largely a matter of what situation they are being used in and what needs the user may have. For carrying out assessments, we recommend APPlicator since it has the edge in terms of flexibility. Once the assessment of the user has been carried out using APPlicator, that’s the time to consider whether iSwitch may be a better alternative.

For example, if only one switch is required and it is to be placed on a desk or wheelchair table, iSwitch may be the best choice since it is completely wire free. On the other hand if the switches are built into the headrest of a wheelchair, APPlicator would be the best choice since there would be no benefit in a built-in switch.

Inclusion of mouse clicks in Pretorian Switch Access products.

Nine years have passed since Apple created a revolution in accessibility by including Switch Control in iOS. Since then there have been further improvements by the addition of mouse support in Assistive Touch and recently, with the introduction of iPadOS15, eye-gaze devices are now supported within Assistive Touch.

What isn’t immediately apparent is that Apple doesn’t allow Switch Control and Assistive Touch to be on simultaneously, meaning that eye-gaze devices can’t be used alongside switches configured in Switch Control, yet for many this would be the ideal configuration since it avoids the delays caused by dwelling.

To address this issue Pretorian has now included mouse clicks in its market leading APPlicator switch access product. These new functions are immediately recognized by the iPad whenever Assistive Touch is turned on. Both Left Click and Right Click have been added but, mindful of APPlicator being used on Windows based tablets and AAC devices, Double Click has also been included.

Mouse functions will also be added to iSwitch in the coming weeks.

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