DT Trainer for Autism Learners
You will find the DT Trainer to be a robust independent tutor for your child or students. You will be happy to see that the product is designed to be an amazing value. This is a large effective product for a very reasonable price. We charge enough to keep evolving and expanding the product without charging so much that it is not affordable.
The DT Trainer was created based on methods developed to educate our most difficult to educate individuals: children with autism. However, the DT Trainer’s configurability also makes it beneficial for children with other learning disabilities, and even with typically developing but young children. Behavioral methods have been proven to be effective for teaching individuals including those with autism.
The software motivates individuals to perform tasks which they may not want to learn or may find difficult to learn. There are hundreds of colorful, interesting, and fun reinforcers to pick from which engage even difficult to motivate individuals. You can even add your own reinforcers! The DT Trainer breaks down learning into the appropriate steps for low functioning to high functioning students. The DT Trainer is especially designed for learners that have one or more of the following characteristics:
- developmentally between the ages 2-9 years (limitation of current content)
- easily distracted or overloaded
- not well self directed or motivated
- have difficulty following directions
- require moderate to substantial repetition
- need maintenance of previously learned materials
Designed for Independent Use

Even individuals that require one-on-one teaching can usually become independent learners on the DT Trainer.
- eliminates or reduces the cost or time of a one-on-one teacher, therapist, or parent while the child is using the software
- allows parents and teachers to work on topics the DT Trainer can not teach, help generalize, or maintain
- frees parents and teachers to attend to other responsibilities while the child is engaged in a productive educational activity
Note: Low functioning or young users may need a touch screen or switch input device.
Individualized Instruction

The DT Trainer is highly adjustable to accommodate the needs of the individual learner and the preferences of the teacher or parent. The configurability within the DT Trainer allows the user to adapt the software to accommodate the needs of individuals ranging from low functioning or early learners to typically developing, but young learners.
Broad Scope of Content Programs

The DT Trainer currently contains hundreds of content programs, and even more programs are in development.
- Skill Areas: Matching, Identification, Counting, Phonics, Classification, Sequencing, Spatial Relations, Math, Time, Money, Word Analysis, Wh Questions, Word Recognition
- Example Programs: objects, colors, numbers, shapes, body parts, addition, money counting, time recognition, months, survival words, synonyms, and math word problems
Supports Variety of Input Devices
The DT Trainer supports mouse, touch screen, double switch, and single switch. These input devices help facilitate a wide range of student abilities.
Collects Data and Provides Reports
The DT Trainer collects data on each trial. Reports can be used for evaluating the learner’s progress and performance, and to modify their programs.

Great Reinforcers

The DT Trainer is installed with hundreds of multimedia reinforcers to motivate the student. Reinforcers include basic cause and effect, games and interactive activities, stimulating visuals, music, animations, and movie clips. The program also allows you to add your own reinforcers such as movies, games, or even web pages. For example, it is easy to add a movie of a child doing a favorite activity. This reinforcer can be very powerful for a young or low functioning individual. The reinforcement rate is adjustable to provide the appropriate level of reinforcement, and the reinforcers can be changed periodically to keep the program interesting. Many of the cause and effect reinforcers can be used to build basic mouse or touch screen skills, and there is even a reinforce-only mode for very young children or very low functioning individuals to help build basic interactions with the computer. There is an impressive set of reinforcers already in the product, and AES is expanding the set to continue providing the most powerful reinforcement system available!
Additional Benefits for Low Functioning Students
Besides the primary benefit of learning the topics of the various content programs, other possible benefits are:
- helps generalize or maintain information
- converts unproductive or self-stim time into productively spent time
- improves self esteem – child realizes that he can learn on his own
- increases ability to stay on task
Complements Variety of Classrooms & Settings
The DT Trainer complements a variety of school & home educational programs:
- Autism classes (ABA – DT & VB, TEACCH, and eclectic)
- Self contained Intellectual Disabilities classes
- Home based ABA – DT & VB and eclectic programs
- At Risk 4 year old preschool
Regular education kindergarten and preschool classes
The DT Trainer comes with training videos and there are also prerecorded and live web based training sessions available.
Key Features and Benefits:
- Affordable: Priced as a cost effective solution for a wide range of students.
- Designed for Autism but appropriate for students or adults developmentally from 2 to 9 years old.
- Based on well researched methods for teaching individuals with autism and other learning disabilities.
- Content Programs menu has hundreds of curriculum programs for teachers to choose from for their students. Skill levels range from basic early learning (colors, shapes, counting, body parts, receptive vocabulary) to higher level skills (analogies, synonyms, multiplication, sight words, math word problems).
- Photo icons (images of real objects with backgrounds removed) are used to facilitate generalization of skills. The DTT is an ageless program for learners of all ages because the images are not babyish or cartoonish, but look very real.
- Reinforcers include hundreds of motivating cause-effect items, video clips, arts & graphics, and age appropriate-looking choices for older students (Whack-an-Alien, puzzles, SuperBlinky). You can add your own digital movie clips, photos, and websites to customize your reinforcers, too!
- Mouse Skills can be developed and strengthened through many of the reinforcers such as Puzzles, Flood Fill, Whack-An-Alien, and many more.
- Test/Assessment feature enables teachers to easily periodically test specific programs that will provide date, time, %correct, and identifies each item as correct/incorrect. It’s a powerful tool for teachers to print for parents, especially when they’ve aligned the program choices with standards & IEP objectives. The DT Trainer also automatically tracks data in a variety of formats to provide student performance details.
- Students work independently without adult assistance. The DTT is essentially an errorless learning program that moves a student forward and back based on his responses. Incorrect responses are never inadvertently reinforced, the correct answer is always simply stated, and the student is given opportunity to try again until he has success.
- The DTT is highly configurable, allowing the teacher to customize each student’s program to align with IEP objectives, state standards, and individual learning needs.
- The DTT program can be easily incorporated into a daily classroom or home routine as a computer station, as a block on a visual schedule, or as a self-selected learning or center activity. It will not add more work to the teacher’s plate, but will make her life easier by tracking data, providing specific direct instruction, and freeing up classroom staff for other tasks.
- Works with mouse, touch screen, single & double switch (scan rate, frequency, and color box can be configured.) The range of input devices supports use with very developmentally young or delayed individuals, students with CP or cognitive disabilities, or higher level and even typical students
DT Trainer – Reinforcers
The DT Trainer is installed with hundreds of multimedia reinforcers to motivate the student. Reinforcers include basic cause and effect, games and interactive activities, stimulating visuals, music, animations, and movie clips. The program also allows you to add your own reinforcers such as movies, games, or even web pages. For example, it is easy to add a movie of a child doing a favorite activity. This reinforcer can be very powerful for a young or low functioning individual. The reinforcement rate is adjustable to provide the appropriate level of reinforcement, and the reinforcers can be changed periodically to keep the program interesting. Many of the cause and effect reinforcers can be used to build basic mouse or touch screen skills, and there is even a reinforce-only mode for very young children or very low functioning individuals to help build basic interactions with the computer. There is an impressive set of reinforcers already in the product, and AES is expanding the set to continue providing the most powerful reinforcement system available!
“Smart” Reinforcers!
These reinforcers are configurable for each student, and save the student’s progress between sessions of the reinforcer.
- SuperBlinky: The student guides “Blinky” through over 20 levels in an attempt to collect all the gold coins.
- SuperPop: The student must pop all the circles on the screen. The number and motion of the circles is increased with each level.
- SuperPong: Just like the classic arcade game! The student controls a paddle and attempts to block the ball from leaving one side of the screen. With each level completed, the speed of the game is slightly increased.

Activities – Arts and Graphics
Epicycloids, Flood Fill Coloring, Image Building (Flower Garden, Flower Bed, Outer Space, Rubber Stamp, The Desert), Paintbrush Coloring, Scribbling (B&W, Color)

Activities – Basic Cause/Effect
Animal Noises, Chase, Dancing Bees, Draw Bots, Eyes Chase Cursor, Eyes Track Cursor, Follower (I & II), Grid Block, Kaleidoscope, Liner, Lines, Mouse Music, Pops, Puff of Smoke, Quads, Space Flight, Sparkler, Triangles, UFO’s, U-Weave, Weave, Zen

Activities – Intermediate Cause/Effect
Alien Invaders, Wave Play

Activities – Basic Problem Solving
Boy Doll, Girl Doll, Christmas Tree, Veggie Head

Activities – Controls
Circling Dots

Activities – Eye-Hand Coordination
Circle Pop, Crazy Dots, Crazy Stars, Super Pop, Fireworks

Activities – Games
Jigsaw Puzzles, Matching, Super Blinky, Super Pong, Whack-an-alien, Whack-a-spider

Activities – Music
Player Piano (I & II)

Non-Interactive – High Stimulation
Crystal, Electric Mandala, SpyderWyre, Tubeulent, TwiStar, Whirlwinds

Non-Interactive – Math Graphics

Non-Interactive – Tunnels
Dot Tunnel, Web Tunnel

Non-Interactive – Miscellaneous
Dancing Trapezoids, MirroSphere

Sounds – Children’s Songs
Baa Baa Black Sheep, Billy Boy, Hay Diddle Diddle, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Videos – Animation
Creatures, Explosions, EyeCandy, People, Space, Spinning, Terrains, Water Scenes

Videos – Movies
Animals, Sports, Transportation, Water, Weather