Braillo 650 SF2 Braille Embosser
The industry’s only true production braille embosser for fully-automated book, magazine and newspaper creation
The industry’s only true production braille embosser for fully-automated book, magazine and newspaper creation
The Braillo 650 SF2 is the world’s only fully automated braille book & magazine production system. Embossing in 4 page-per-sheet format, the transcriber simply sends a file and the embosser does all of the work creating a finished, folded, covered and stapled book, magazine or newspaper. The Braillo 650 SF2 makes “on-demand” braille publishing possible. A special feature of our embossers, and especially important during social distancing, is that they can be networked so that the transcribers are remotely sending files. Because the 650 SF2 can run interrupted for such a long period of time, a single person can then be with the printer collecting the finished braille books, magazines and newspaper and preparing them for immediate shipping to customers.
In order to meet the heavy demands of true braille production, the embosser needs to be made of durable, high quality parts and components. Braillo is the only manufacturer of braille embossers that can deliver on this promise.
The world's most trusted and reliable braille translation software, Duxbury, is included free with the purchase of a Braillo braille printer.
For over 30 years, Braillo has produced their own custom braille paper that adheres to the highest standards available. The end result is a strong, durable, low-dust, chemical-free paper that will not only produce a superior braille dot, but will ensure the braille dot holds its shape over many uses. Additionally, because of its quality, it will also help extend the life of your Braillo embosser.
For all Braillo models, our standard warranty covers every defective mechanical and electrical component from the date of purchase throughout the first three years, or up to 8,000 hours – whichever comes first. This amounts to up to 15.6 million braille pages. By the time most embossers have become obsolete or stopped working, Braillo embossers are still under warranty!
We add an additional 1 year for using Braillo/ATC braille paper
Braillo will offer an additional 1 year to the standard warranty by using Braillo/ATC braille paper with your embosser. The use of poor quality braille paper often causes excessive wear and tear on an embosser, which causes parts to fail prematurely. Using Braillo/ATC’s specially formulated braille paper will help ensure these risks are minimized.
This brings the total warranty to 4 years, or up to 10,700 hours. This amounts to up to 20.8 million braille pages. This is the industry’s most comprehensive and rich warranty, and shows that we stand behind our braille embossers – no matter what.
Braillo offers global support via telephone, email, YouTube videos and on-site repair by either Braillo staff, or our network of factory-trained technicians world-wide. Braillo offers training sessions across the world throughout the year, in addition to braille workshops.
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