t’s sometimes difficult to create structure in everyday life. It takes a lot of energy to try to keep track of everything, which may make you feel stressed and anxious.
The MEMOplanner is a time and planning aid that you simply place where it can be seen in your home. It assists you by showing what day it is, the time of day, and what activities you have scheduled for the day, week and month. It also gives you clear reminders and helps you with checklists.
The MEMOplanner helps you to take control of your life, making you feel more secure and enabling you to live a richer life. Studies show that the MEMOplanner can reduce stress for both you and your family members - resulting in fewer disagreements over daily tasks. Other studies show that time-based support such as the MEMOplanner can help you to increase and improve your sense of time.
MEMOplanner Medium 4 (art. no. 462890) replaces MEMOplanner Medium 3b (art. no. 462875), MEMOplanner Medium 3b ( 462875) replaces MEMOplanner Medium 3 ( 462870).
REMOTE HELP via myAbilia
Our free web service myAbilia makes it easy for relatives and support persons to support remotely, help post activities or check if activities have been completed and acknowledged.
On MEMOplanner, a license is pre-installed. The license gives access to the myAbilia web service, cloud storage of user data, and the MEMOplanner Go app.
In good time before the license expires, MEMOplanner and myAbilia remind you to extend the license, as a message directly in the device and as an e-mail from myAbilia.
At no extra cost, you can install the new MEMOplanner Go on your own smartphone or tablet. This way, you get support even when you are not at home.
Download the apps here:
Note: The product is marketed as a technical aid class I for people with disabilities and complies with Regulation (EU) 2017/745 - MDR